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Massacre in Fallujah

Cambridge IMC | 13.04.2004 16:21 | Iraq | Cambridge

As this is being written a massacre is taking place in Falluja, Iraq. Falluja is a town which has been resisting the occupation of Iraq since June. US troops have been forced to the border of the town since then. It has fought hardest and most uncompromisingly and has regularly been pummelled by F16 fighter jets and apache helicopter gunships since then, with civilians being slaughtered on a regular basis.

Well over 470 people have now been slaughtered by US troops in Falluja, this week. 1700 have been injured. The deathtoll is expected to rise due to the siege nature of the military cordon around the town. ambulances are being fired upon and followed by sniper sights if they attempt to enter the town. Eyewitnesses have reported seeing bodies lying dead in the streets. Hospitals have been attacked. Medical supplies and bed shortages are at crisis levels. Residents are calling it a massacre.

Eyewitness accounts:
From Jo Wilding: 1, 2 | Rahul Mahujan's description | More descriptions | From Dahr Jamail: 1, 2 | From Occupation Watch, Baghdad.

For more information, Voices in the Wilderness have produced a briefing on the current state of affairs in Fallujah. You can also read accounts at the Electronic Iraq portal. By any measure the situation there is appalling.

Update: The US have responded by saying they will install some of Saddam Hussein's old security officers to restore order. More information is here.

Iraqi woman shot by American snipers in the neck.
Iraqi woman shot by American snipers in the neck.

Take Action

This is an appeal to the anti-war movement, to the peace movement, eco-action movement, animal rights movement, anti-fascists, everybody active, everybody who can respond, can call a demo, can organise a protest, an office occupation, an embassy storming, a road blockade, mass civil disobedience, industrial shut-down, work-place occupation, solidarity work stoppage, blockade the US Embassy, Fairford Military Base action: what's taking off at Fairford? Are B52s being deployed? Shannon Peace Camp protestors: are there new movements at Shannon? We need to address this, we need to resist this. We become the solidarity resistance in Iraq by taking action in our neighbourhoods and in our cities. Print up a leaflet (possible text here). Paint up a banner. Take to the streets. Only a small group can make a change. Show people in Iraq that we are standing by them. 700 more British troops have been flown in to quell the uprising in the South. No Pasaran. Take to the embassies, the bases, the US interests, the streets.

Demos have already taken place in London (details) and in over fifty towns and cities across the US (details).

  1. The Stop the War Coalition has called an Emergency Lobby 10 Downing Street: GIVE IRAQ BACK TO THE IRAQIS!
    Saturday 17 April, 12-2pm, outside 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, Central London. Tubes: Westminster, Charing X.
    Called by Stop the War Coalition. Supported by CND and the Muslim Association of Britain.
    Stop The War
  2. The Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition have also called an emergency demo. for next Saturday:

    Stop the Massacres in Falluja, End the US & British occupation of Iraq, Bring the British Soldiers Home with the Spanish.
    Saturday April 17th 12.00 noon, Parliament Square, Edinburgh
    Edinburgh Stop the War

  3. Contact your MP. Even if she/he is completely useless you need to contact them in order to 'shake the tree' so that public outrage can filter up the system.
    • You can find an alphabetical list of MPs, including (where they have them) their web-sites, e-mails etc here.
    • If you know your postcode you can also fax your MP on-line using = "">"
    • If you want to leave a message for Jack Straw, the main switchboard # at the Foreign Office for general enquiries is 020 7008 1500.
    • You can fax the Prime Minister on 020 7925 0918 or send him an e-mail via this page. Alternatively you can write to him at 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA
    • You can phone the Defence Attache's Office at the US embassy by calling (0207) 894 0745, fax it on 020 7894-0726 or e-mail According to the Embassy's web-site (here) the DAO 'performs representational functions on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretaries of the Military Services, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chiefs of the U.S. Military Services and the Commander of European Command. The Defense & Naval Attaché at the American Embassy, London is Captain David L. Wirt, USN.'
    • Contact the MoD: a list of contacts is available on-line here. You can write to them at Ministerial Correspondence Unit, Ministry of Defence, Room 220, Old War Office, Whitehall, London SW1A 2EU or e-mail them at (including your postal address).
  4. Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Disobedience.

Cambridge IMC


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  1. Guardian Report — Frank
