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Kave Mihan | 29.03.2004 19:40 | Globalisation | Indymedia | Cambridge | London

European Media Censors Voices in Iraq and the EU so called "peace-activists" Follow the Lead. Who's fooling whom? Have some decency in your activism. you are as scary as your politicians. EU is NO. 1 trade Partner of Terrorist Regimes. The real war is the one EU had waged on these Nations, the Political war in which you are blind participants. Not only Iraq is better off without Saddam but Iran is better off without European backed ayatollahs as well. What's next for you then? Stand against Iranian Freedom Movement, and with the EU politicians and John Kerry? I would warn you of one thing only, the future of Oil trade does not look promissing for EU, AT ALL. DO NOT DARE STAND AGAINST IRANIAN FREEDOM MOVEMENT AGAINST THE EU BACKED IRI TERRORIST REGIME, OR ELSE.

Kave Mihan
- e-mail: kavemihan@yahoo
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