How Can We Resist Neo-Liberalism and War?' meeting is being hosted by Globalise Resistance, Britian's leading anti-capitalist group, in Cambridge on Wednesday 11th February at 7:00pm in the McCrum Lecture Theatre (Benet Street, next to
the Eagle Pub)
How Can We Resist Neo-Liberalism and War?' meeting is being hosted by Globalise Resistance, Britian's leading anti-capitalist group, in Cambridge on Wednesday 11th February at 7:00pm in the McCrum Lecture Theatre (Benet Street, next to
the Eagle Pub)
The speakers are Chris Nineham, a national organiser for Globalise Resistance, who will be giving an eye-witness report back, and Billy Hayes, the General Secretary of the communication Workers Union, who will be talking about the link between Trade Unions and anti-capitalism.
This is a particularly important discussion considering the CWU have just won an illegal strike. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions from the floor.
This is a meeting for anyone fed up with Bush, Blair and the Huttons of this world!
This event has been generously sponsored by Cambridge Communication Workers Union, Cambridge Fire Brigades Union, Cambridge Unison City Branch, Cambridge Stop the War Coalition and Cambridge Socialist Workers Party.
Please come and join what should be a diverse and exciting meeting.
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What a laugh!
10.02.2004 00:38
They consistantly boast of having been involved in Mayday, June 18th, Seattle etc. despite doing nothing useful (or even be involved in) any of these projects.
Vampire Slayer
10.02.2004 09:37
VS Slayer
Real democracy
10.02.2004 14:08
We all could do with it, even hardened anarchists and trots need a more open forum in order to put the case for their ideals forward!
Would consensus politics have taken us to war?
10.02.2004 15:24
arrrrrr :-)
10.02.2004 17:04
Bless 'em, most of the GR group in Cambridge are very young (in their teens) and have fallen under the spell of the great leader...COMRADE ANDY. They are good people who understand that things have got to change and are exploring the alternatives. Give 'em a couple of years and they'll be looking back at there GR days with a sort of fond embarrassment - and hopefully using their energy in a more useful way.
I wonder how many people who now know better, can look back to the days that they thought the SWP and there front organisations were worth supporting...
Working with the SWP/GR
11.02.2004 01:19
u r only jealous
11.02.2004 13:17
i know gr were the late comers in the movement but they are the only group who are actually doing anything. at least gr are creating a forum for discussion. organising transport to demo's, esf ect ect.
trade unions & younger people look to gr for a lead cos gr the only thing in town. i would love to go to an alternative meetings organised by other groups but where are they?
so before u start patronising young people that they will change their ways and join a real organisation, or be embrassed ,i suggest u start getting your act together and build an alternative to gr.
me tinks u are jealous of gr cos your weak little groups dont do anything which relates to anyone and your are very frustrated by this fact.
red letter
I denounce you all!
11.02.2004 18:10
a nonny mouse
at leist we tryed
12.02.2004 15:56
You can criticsise all you like but the fact is people who are mainly in colleges or in the SWP are making an effort (not a big enough one yet) to break the mind numbingness of small group politics and break out in to holding realy big meetings about impornant things and hopefully thus stimiulating action etc. There is an open market here (to sound like a capitilist) so if someone wants to make a better go at building a mass anti-capitilist or anti-war movement go ahead il come along! But noone else is trying as far as i can tell.
have patience
18.02.2004 16:22
wait for it.
black star