HACKNEY Stop-The-War-Coalition RESOLUTION : 28th February 2004
The resolution below on democracy and communications within the STWC
was passed by the Hackney Stop the War Coalition on Monday, 2 Feb.
It would be useful if other groups submitted the same or similar resolutions and mandated their delegates to vote and speak for it at the STWC conference. Of course, the proposals in it ought to be elementary and uncontentious within any serious mass organisation or campaign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Resolution From Hackney Stop The War Coalition To STWC Conference:
The Stop the War Coalition (STWC) resolves to implement the following
measures, in order to increase democracy and diversity in our
1. The names and contact details of each member of the STWC Steering
Committee, together with the name of the organisation they represent
(if they are elected in a representative capacity), will be available on the
STWC website;
2. The dates of Steering Committee meetings will be posted on the STWC
website at least fourteen days in advance, so that STWC members can
attend as observers if they so wish;
3. Similarly, the Steering Committee's agenda will be posted on the
STWC website at least fourteen days in advance of the meetings so that
local groups can send in any comments to inform the Steering Committee's decision-making.
4. The minutes of Steering Committee meetings will be posted on the
website within seven days of the meeting taking place;
5. The resolutions passed at this conference will also be posted on
the website.
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this movement must belong to all involved
08.02.2004 19:27
hackney citizen
This is good...
08.02.2004 20:09
So I definitely support this, but I don't think it necessarily addresses the main problem...
Much love,
Matt S
pooling knowledge
08.02.2004 20:34
hackney citizen
09.02.2004 12:43
09.02.2004 17:33
What is your problem?
14.02.2004 22:49
Most of us appreciate the work of both the local and national Stop the War Coalitions.
The motion is a mad attack on the coalition leadership. Shame on them I say.
The national organisation has 1 full time worker and has managed despite that to mobilise huge numbers.
In Cambridge the Coalition has its own web site and plenty of contact details. Why not use them and be constructive! It must have taken a lot of effort to build the various Cambridge protests. Your time would be better spent assisting those trying to organise against the war.