PRESS RELEASE - 14/01/04
For immediate release
Cambridge Students Against the War
For more information contact Mika on one of:
+972 59 737118 +972 66 387331 +972 65 237229
or Nick on one of: 07792722887 or 01223 764259
Mika Minio-Paluello, a Cambridge activist, has been living for the last six
months in Nablus, Palestine. During this time he has been working to support
Palestinian nonviolent resistance to the occupation while writing about what
he sees at . All the references that
follow are from this site.
Most of his time has been spent in Nablus, Balata Refugee Camp and the
surrounding villages. Life in the city and camp often involves responding to
Israeli military violence ( );
Palestinians and internationals work together to deal with and resist
invasions ( ).
During October and November, internationals and local villagers worked
hard to harvest olives despite settler and military aggression
( ). There have also
been frequent direct actions protesting the building of the separation
wall by the Israeli army ( ).
A regular part of life inevitably involves dealing with checkpoints
and roadblocks which have particularly humiliating
( ) and economically
debilitating effects ( ).
The website is updated almost daily and provides a valuable insight
into the daily life of the Palestinian people as well as a good
description of the actions that are being taken to protest the
occupation. Mika's updates are also being featured regularly on the
Cambridge IndyMedia website:
Notes for editors:
Cambridge Students against the War (CamSAW) was formed in October 2001 in response
to the bombing of Afghanistan by America and its allies, going on to oppose the war
on, and subsequent occupation of Iraq. CamSAW has been involved in a vast array of
different antiwar activities since its inception. It is a group of young people with
fairly diverse views, but united in the belief that bombing innocent peoples
represents no kind of solution at all to the kind of terror attacks witnessed in the
US on September 11th. CamSAW opposes various other policies justified by our
governments as being part of the "war on terrorism".
They defend the principle of Universal Human Rights, expressing concerns both about
the treatment of prisoners of war held at Guantanomo bay, and about the erosion of
our own civil liberties through new so-called "anti-terrorism" legislation. CamSAW
also campaigns against the escalation of the war to other areas and continues to
campaign for a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
For more information check: