At around 1:30 there was a speech by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty organiser Greg Avery, who revealed that he was late after stopping to help an Alsatian dog running loose on the motorway. He noted out the parallel between the many motorists who saw the dog but looked away or could not be bothered to stop, and the people who live close to Huntingdon Life Sciences and do nothing to stop their animal abuse. He pointed out that these were the people who would have also turned a blind eye to or made excuses for past atrocities such as the slave trade.
The protesters set off at about 1:30 on a loud march around the city, stopping in Chequers Court for speeches. Protesters banged drums, blew whistles, chanted and waved banners in a completely peaceful protest, despite the draconian attitude of the hundreds of police, who pushed the protesters around and refused to let them hand out leaflets to passers-by.
To learn more about the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign, please see