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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Michael Moore in Cambridge

jupiter | 13.11.2003 20:47 | Cambridge

Michael Moore wants to pass on a big THANK YOU to all peace activists in the UK.

After speaking at the Cambridge Union, Michael Moore talked with Indymedia urging activists to go to London next week to protest the policies of Bush and Blair. Keep checking this site for the video later. We were able to deliver our letter that we had written a few weeks back about inviting him to a friendlier venue than the Union. Maybe next time he is in Cambridge, he will talk in a venue with more public access. We also passed on an Indymedia sticker to him!

Later that evening, we ran into him at our protest at Magdalene College, where warmonger John F. Lehman was giving a talk as part of the GKN lecture series. Michael Moore asked us about the protest and took one of our leaflets. He also thanked peace activists in general for their effort.

Just thought i should pass this on.

