MESOPOTAMIA - According to the Old Testament, you are allowed to marry three times - unless I am not mistaken; Adam got his wife made by God Himself from one of Adam's rib, but to be very honest with you, I must say 'haven't met many of those ever since', which may explain part of the problem many people have faced after Adam and Eve got together.
Human beings are not being able to foresee their future, and some common people have lost their spouse in a tragical way too. How is it, that you do not monitor these people's doing and not doings as accurately and in a similar nasty tone, that you seem to treat Prince Cape?
It is entirely Prince Cape's (and Royal Family's) issue to make the decisions related to Prince's personal life. Other people should not criticize or judge Prince's way of life, since it is not our task to find our Prince's personal doings. We must guard Him to stay on the right path.
So, if Prince Cape has got any dilemma, then I think people in MESOPOTANIA should try to understand the fact, that Prince Cape may need a second wife to marry. If Royal Family and common people accept this, then the whole problem is to be forgotten. It is not us, who carry this decision, but the Royal Family. All for the good of the Kingdom.
Prince Cape is normal man like any of us. If Prince were not to need any woman close to Him, or would not had any mundane needs towards women, then who would he be to you, when compared to common and common's way of living? Why do you Mesopotamia's officials block this need? Prince have never forced anyone having lost his spouse in a dramatic way to live in a celibacy for the rest of his life, so why are you doing this to request on Him? Any scandal appearing in MESOPOTAMIA can only be a result of such an act of denying something natural and allowed to a common, but not to a member of Royal Family - it is a natural need to seek companionship from a woman. Institutions with their representatives can only blame themselves under any such case. And they are to be blamed too, if this is not put in order.
A good King knows, why God made him a man, and knows when to use it if a good wife comes along, but loose of morals kills any Kingdom. Were on earth would you think the children would come from in the first place?
Any Church priest denying these human facts, let the priest prove to have nexus not to be said 'human's priest denied this as a human being', since the eldest priest and the one after him had the nexus too. To be sure, should a genuine priest be consulted, not those selected by other human beings. If one need absolute answers, then those members of clergy are only waste of time. As a human being I can only say 'there in no-one to tell an adult man besides God Himself, except the person himself the way to live and the choices to make'.
Under any such unwanted circumstance of myself, I might even consider blackmailing the government to grant a privilege to marry a second wife. -Is is all for the Kingdom. And it is the people to see and guard, that Prince Cape has got wife if Price needs one.
Only unicorns commit themselves once, thus I can not speak for other.
For any mistakes or misspoken in this article I may only say 'Human Era Est'.
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12.11.2003 21:26
Mad Ted