The activists are calling for GAP to ensure that workers have decent wages, safe working conditions and independent trade unions.
GAP labour practices challenged by anti-capitalists
jupiter | 08.11.2003 17:41 | Globalisation | Repression | Cambridge
The activists are calling for GAP to ensure that workers have decent wages, safe working conditions and independent trade unions.
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Well done
10.11.2003 03:26
Nearly every article of clothing on sale in the UK though has been made by someone who is paid a pittance. Most of the price you pay goes to the retailers.Unlike other consumer goods clothing can only be made by actual people usually women.Sewing is one activity that they have not been able to get done by machines.Thousands and thousands of UK workers have lost jobs because of the shift in production abroad but no one cares about them,those who still make clothes in the UK are also paid a pittance.
Designers like Katherine Hamlett were amongst the first to take advantage of the cheap workers in far off places.Now she is claiming to care about global issues.She admitted in an interview on Hard Talk recently that her own company is not ethical.
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