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Free education demo this thursday

Manos | 05.11.2003 13:28 | Education | Cambridge

Charles Clarke, Education Minister, comes to Cambridge!

TOP-UP-FEES PROTEST: Charles Clarke, Education Minister, comes to Cambridge
- come along to show your feelings on top-up-fees!
2pm, outside the Law Faculty, Sidgwick Site, Cambridge. Contact: ljow3 at



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06.11.2003 19:34

I just went to the protest today to "welcome" Charles Clark. He was visiting the maths faculty so a bunch of 100 or so students departed from the Law faculty and marched there. CUSU was kind enough to provide plackards, and the megaphone was passed around for representation from different colleges to sing their home brewed chants. Overall not bad, given the last minute notice. Proctors in full university gear were of course there making sure we act like nice boys and girls.

