The fact that in the past the 'movement of movements' has carried out concerted actions in places like Barcelona or Thessaloniki, and the fact these summits generated some debate here in Cambridge should not fool anyone. The EU is out of fashion and if you are still interested in it, I am sorry to inform you that you are in the wrong place.
After having customised the labour force according to the –neoliberal- laws of profit, our illuminated Rulers' are in the process of shaping the EU's political and military structures. The European Army and the European Defense Agency are already being set up under the auspices of a growing culture of fear, which is used to justify colonial, military adventures. In a few years the EU might take charge of all the military bases in the continent and finally the eery NATO-logo will be replaced by the pretty yellow stars of the EU flag. This is a huge development and anti-NATO campaingns will become obsolete untill the year 2157 when the Euro-Chinese axe will try to revive them in order to nurture Euro-nationalist feelings and send 63 million people to war againt the Saudi-Arabia-USA alliance. You see... ? These events are beyond us little folks here in Cambridge, another reason why you should not read articles about the EU-Intergovernmental Conference.
Further, in Rome, like in the past EU summits of Bacelona, Seville and Thessaloniki, the Euro-Rulers will try to agree on common policies to consolidate the boundaries of fortress-Europe. A Europe without freedom of movement where people’s lives are bound to the laws of supply and demand and where immigrants are dehumanized and can exist only as cheap labour.
120 million euros have already been invested in digital-surveillance and border-control projects such as the Visa Information System (VIS) and the Schengen Information System (SIS 2). While another 250 million euros have been put aside to build detention centres, eerily re-named, “transition camps”, which will be run by the EU police, but located outside of EU boundaries.
Surveillance and detention are also states of mind. Stop reading before it's too late.
You are still reading! In this case you might be one of those fools dreamers who are...
bit by bit changing the world and one day will even ...
message from:
L38SQUAT -self organised hostel-
-DO IT YOURSELF WEEKS September 29 to November 2 !
Our rejection of Fortress Europe is also the rejection of the culture of profit.
Instead, we have chosen self-organisation. We seek a revolution in our everyday lives; we reject all hierarchies and we fight our struggles from below against all forms of fascism and sexism. We work towards sustainability and local production to defy the logic of market competition. We seek conflict though direct action and re-appropriation. We support radical environmentalism and we refuse any labels (even alternative ones) imposed on us! For Everyone, Choice and Individual Dignity!
This is who we are and we know that we are not the only ones.
The mobilizations against the EU Intergovernmental Conference can be an occasion for activists from around Europe to come together, share our experiences and build these days of action.
The LAURENTINOKKUPATO / L38SQUAT, is in a working class
area in the suburbs of Rome and we are ready to give hospitality to
international and national activists from September 29 to November 2.
L38SQUAT – provides:
Places to sleep (please bring your own sleeping bag)
Infoshop –to buy and exchange zines-
Internet point
Open kitchen (evening meals provided during the days of the Summit)
Activist workshops
We would like to build these day together, starting from the little everyday chores of life.
We believe that "All Inclusive" is something for tour operators and not for radical activists. Therefore we expect people to participate in all the activities of the Squat, from kitchen work to workshops.
Anyone is welcome, who believes in horizontality and wants to fight/build and grow collectively, with all the difficulties and the freedoms this choice may imply.
Activities proposed, so far, for the DIY WEEKS:
Workshop: "Abolish borders from below!" - sharing experiences on antiracist actions-
Workshop: "Anti-sexism, from the radical movement to the metropolitan suburbs" - -sharing experiences on the struggle against sexism and their impact in the working class areas of the city.
Banner kontest - the more banners you make the more you communicate!
Action against a technological-surveillance corporation.
Action against national and international offices that are functional for forced and controlled migration.
For more info, action and workshop proposals contact
Laurentinokkupato - L38squat
via domenico giuliotti 8, Roma - bus 776 (from Metro B Laurentina)