7.30 - 9pm
Emmanuel United Reform Church Hall (town end of Trumpington
Street, opposite Pembrooke College)
7.30 - 9pm
Emmanuel United Reform Church Hall (town end of Trumpington
Street, opposite Pembrooke College)
Speakers include Lindsey German (national convenor of Stop the
War Coalition) and Jonathan Neale (national steering committee
of Globalise Resistance)

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The war ended five months ago what are they on about?
18.09.2003 14:52
Don't Take Our Word For It
18.09.2003 16:26
The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences, was written in Sept 2000 by the neoconservative think tank, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
It spells out exactly how this is a war for oil & empire building straight from the horse's mouth. So, Rockwell, whether you like it or not, you're either with this Far-Right coup, or you're against it. At the moment you're for it, & what's so sad is that you base your support for this war without end on a flat denial to read the Neo-Facist literature of your 'leaders'.
PS: Telling people to shut up on top? Not very democratic Rockwell, bad Rockwell bad!
PNAC Report:
Michael Meacher MP Speaks Out:
James Venables
look at the news rockerfeller
18.09.2003 17:08
ambush ,Now thats what i call being at peace.
you silly person
somp dejuing
War in the east, war in the west
21.09.2003 10:21
All the lies about the war told by Bush and Bliar, MI6 etc. have now been shown to be the lies we said they were twelve and six months ago. The war goes on in Afghanistan and Iraq, and will go on until the enough Americans and British are killed, and the colonial occupation ends.
(The reality denying tone of Rock's missive reminds me of an old shade, Monsieur Harlequin, who we saw off not so long ago).