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Actions at Oakington Detention Centre

Cambridge IMC | 06.08.2003 15:03 | Anti-racism | Migration | Cambridge

Migrants detained at Oakington Detention Centre near Cambridge have been taking action to resist their imprisonment. Over the last week they have been on hunger strike, held sit down protests and refused to be counted at muster. Local people from Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention held a solidarity action outside the centre.

Video coverage of this action is now available.

Migrants detained at Oakington Detention Centre near Cambridge have been taking action to resist their imprisonment. Over the last week they have been on hunger strike, held sit down protests and refused to be counted at muster. Local people from Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention held a solidarity action outside the centre.

Despite a House of Lords decision which says people can only be held lawfully for seven to ten days, some people have been detained for over two months. Organisers of the protest action have also been deported to Jamacia. In some cases deportation has happened while their application for asylum is still under appeal.

The actions at Oakington follow several weeks of actions and escapes from detention centres throughout Italy. More noborder actions are planned in Germany and throughout Europe this summer.

The Blair government is pushing for greater detention of asylum seekers including arguing the European Union should create prisons in countries bordering the EU.

of people die every year trying to pass the increasingly militarised borders of Europe.

Cambridge IMC
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