People held inside have been engaging in hunger strikes, refusing to be counted at muster and are protesting by sitting outside and refusing to move.
Detainees started actions in reaction to a recent spate of deportations of people awaitng their appeal processes as well as the unknown length of their detention.
Members of Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention held up a huge FREEDOM banner this morning at the gates of Oakington and yelled messages of support to people sitting behind 3 fences of barbed wire.
Some detainees have been living in England for more than 4 years and now face deportation with their children back to Kosovo. People were deported from the centre over the weekend and some were moved out by Group4 this morning.
Cambridge Indymedia, CARD and BBC Radio Cambridge were denied interviews with detainees today while Group4 claims than the hunger strike was called off over the weekend.
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