Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
To get involved, join our email list at

or email the list directly:

Please read the list archives at

Not interested in becoming part of the organization, but still want to contribute your stories, photos, audio, and video?
Here's a quick how-to:
Taking Pictures? Shooting Video? Doing Interviews? Taking notes?
Your material is needed!
What are you planning to do with your material after this event is over?
What ever it is, you can use it now at Indymedia uk to help report the truth about this event.
Indymedia uk (www.indymedia.org.uk) is a website that is run and maintained by volunteers, and which allows people to upload their own reports, pictures, video and audio. It is a place for the passionate telling of truths, a way of bypassing the agendas of the corporate media, through the direct creation of our own media. Indymedia UK is just one part of a growing network of over 80 websites worldwide.
Alternative - Independent - Democratic RADICAL MEDIA
Just visit www.indymedia.org.uk and hit the 'publish' button to upload.
Contact Indymedia UK at:

Don't Hate The Media - Be The Media!
Step One: All you need to start is hit the 'PUBLISH' link on the front page (www.indymedia.org.uk).
Step Two: Follow the instructions on the Publish page (they're easy to follow) - you have to enter some information about the report you are uploading - a title for your report and your name, which can be anything you like. There are also other spaces on the form for your email and telephone number etc, but you don't have to fill them in.
Step Three: You then just need to select what it is you want to publish on the site. Text: If you are submitting a text report the form called 'Text Stories - the article', and then hit the 'Publish' button at the bottom of the form - that's it! Your report will now be added to the front page of the site.
Photographs: If you are submitting a photograph you need to select the picture from your hard drive using the 'Browse' button in the 'Multimedia Stories' box. Select from the drop down menu what type of picture it is (either jpeg/jpg image or gif), and then hit the 'Publish' button at the bottom of the form - that's it! Your picture will now be added to the website.
Audio / Video: If you are submitting need to select the file from your hard drive using the 'Browse' button in the 'Multimedia Stories' box. Select from the drop down menu what type of file it is (either mp3 or realaudio for audio files, or realvideo for video) and then hit the 'Publish' button at the bottom of the form - that's it! Your sound or video clip will now be added to the website. It really is that easy!
There are some guidelines covering what type of reports should be uploaded, where to post announcements, current debates and a mission statement all accessible from the front page.
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