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CAMBRIDGE- Antiwar demo and civil disobedience M20 at noon

Old Youth | 20.03.2003 16:53 | Cambridge

500 people met in the Market Square of Cambridge today. Live percussion gave way to a ring of peace, and then a loud and energetic march to the war memorial. What was amazing were the children from every Cambridge school. The march (one of two today) ended with three acts of mass civil disobedience.

500 people met in the Market Square of Cambridge today. Live percussion gave way to a ring of peace, and then a loud and energetic march to the war memorial. What was amazing were the children from every Cambridge school. The march (one of two today) ended with three acts of mass civil disobedience.

It was a remarkable crowd-- the old (including one man who spoke who had served in the RAF during WW2), the young (an army of boys and girls approximate age 14-16), quakers, catholics, trotskyists, anarchists, 'women in black', crusties with coloured hair, marching in the warm spring sunshine against this illegal and unnecessary war

March 20;: 500 strong, 3 Civildisobediance actio

There were three acts of mass civil disobediance:
a blocking of the roundabout leading to the railway station which lasted for over an hour, an occupation of the Armed forces recruiting office, and another blockade of a major road. There is also an ongoing demonstration involving 100 schoolchildren at Marshall's airfield.

This is only the beginning. Let us make it a long hot spring, whatever happens in Iraq.

Old Youth


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Things like this....

24.03.2003 05:00

Its words like these that help me keep some hope, thanks whoever you are! Have a look at my site if you are interested in Cambridge Anti War media in photos, articles and links.

Peace and Love


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