"No to War" and "Ethical Foreign Policy, My Arse"
Protests continued while Mr Ingram addressed Labour Party members inside. After the meeting Mr Ingram found himself and his team unable to leave as their car was blocked for over 20 minutes by protestors sitting in the surrounding road. The strength of feeling amongst Cambridge students and residents throughout the evening left the minister with a clear message from Cambridge, newly-voted City of Peace: that a war would be immoral, illegal and inhuman.
Photos of the protest are available from mhl24@cam.ac.uk
Notes for Editors: 1. CamSAW is a group currently campaigning against American and British plans to launch war against Iraq. We believe that such a war would be wholly unjustified and would be likely to have disastrous consequences both for the Iraqi people and for regional stability. We are working with many local and national groups who are opposed to this proposed war, and who have expertise in the humanitarian situation in Iraq. More information is available at www.camsaw.org.uk
2. A growing online cyber-petition has been launched to allow members of the public to fulfil the 2001 Labour Party Manifesto Pledge that "change comes from the bottom up as much as the top down". 'Moon the Hoon' makes 'bottom-up' e-democracy a reality: petitioners show their contempt for UK defence policy by posting a message to Defence Minister Geoff Hoon, accompanied by a picture of them mooning! The site is at http://www.srcf.ucam.org/pap/moon.index.htm
Hide the following 2 comments
06.03.2003 16:00
b) the sit-down protest
c) the getaway
Cambridge IMC
So what's so smart about mooning Hoon?
08.03.2003 01:10
Nick the wandering dick Davies