Thousands of children have walked out of their schools across Britain to stage anti-war demonstrations.
About 60 children left Fortismere school in North London at break time on Wednesday and marched to Westminster.
More than 200 children - some as young as 13 - are protesting outside the Houses of Parliament.
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puts the shits up them
05.03.2003 23:32
In the face of an ever more fearful and restrained society, that's good news.
Now if we can pull all the key workers out...
Let kids be kids
06.03.2003 00:47
Even if they understand what they are demonstrating for (which they probably don't) they should be encouraged to learn and not fight.
Go to school, get a decent education and then learn for yourself and make your own mind up rather than being part of the latest trends and fads one of which is the anti-war movement.
A short childhood
kids! know your place!
06.03.2003 10:36
a nonny mouse
06.03.2003 17:18
What planet are you from ???????????
Home-ed Kid