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Itchy Afghani hats

Sahib | 04.11.2001 01:56 | Cambridge

Afghani hats for sale - they might be itchy, but they show solidarity

You've seen them every day on TV, perhaps more than Jamie Oliver. Yes, it's the itchy Afghani hat. They are on sale in Cambridge - Nomads (King's Parade) and at the market on a Sunday - in several different sizes and colours, including black, dark brown, light brown and for those Afghanis with the spirit of John Lydon, blue and red. They are simple pieces of rough wool with a flat top and a rolled up 'rim'. My one is black (to match with my goatee beard) and although it itches my forehead and bald patch, it's probably the warmest thing I've ever worn. On a more political note, it makes you look like an Afghani and in doing so we can hope to become one with the struggle of the Afghanis. An Afghani hat shows solidarity with our oppressed friends, who have and continue to be bombed into absolute poverty by foreign and foreign-backed armies. So, buy an Afghani hat and ditch your Jamie Oliver-inspired consumerism.

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Afghani hats you say

04.11.2001 03:09

Can I get an Afghani hat that is red, white and blue and decorated with stars and stripes?

a confused American

beautiful propoganda - an thats a compliment

04.11.2001 03:14

as above

wakin up - water in the eyes

no because then it wouldn't be afghani !

04.11.2001 03:21

cultural imperialism, no thanks, far too burdened by the need for a social revolution now!

another anarchist

I've Got One - er an Afghani Hat

04.11.2001 12:08

I have been wearing an Afghani hat for some time especially useful when on winters days vigilimng or proesteing outside Shell petrol stations etc - but they do bloody itch. Anyone got any idea on 'ow to da itching pleeze?

Still wear it though - wiv pride.

From Peter of


Peter Wakeham
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I hate to ask but.........

04.11.2001 19:17

Where exactly do these hats come from and who is making them under what conditions? I only ask because I have seen them on sale for almost nothing in Paha Ganj in Delhi and have a nasty little worry that they are being churned out by indentured/exploited workers. It is always best to ask before you buy.

