Climate Camp Videos on YouTube
Updated daily - videos from the mainstream and from inside the camp.
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Climate Camp - R4 - Simon Lewis debates Kingsnorth with a Chemical Engineer
Excellent summary of the (non-)debate over the proposed Kingsnorth power plant.[Full Story ]
Some random snaps from site
Here's some pics, more to follow.[Full Story | 3 additions ]
Climate Activists Shut Down South's Biggest Biofuel Base
This morning climate activists from around the country have shut down theSouth's biggest agrofuel depot.
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Psyops, terror and policing of the climate camp
Police mounted an outrageous terror attack on the camp in the early hours of Wednesday 6th, sounding sirens, circling their helicopter over the site, cutting the flood lighting, then deploying van loads of tooled-up riot cops at the gates in the darkness and getting them to number off and yell 'get up, get up' into the camp....[Full Story | 3 additions | 7 comments ]
Scargill at Climate Camp
Arthur Scargill, former General Secretary of the National Union of Miners, spoke at Climate Camp on Monday outlining a proposed energy policy consisting of 'clean coal', and development of renewable sources of energy.[Full Story | 10 comments ]
5 o'clock and the police try and drive through main gate to climate camp
Climate Camp main gate duty meets and repels a van load of police at 5am[Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment ]
Police mount morning attacks against climate campers
Shortly after 5am this morning, police mounted an operation at the climate camp.[Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments ]
Climate Camp Day One Summaries
The day started and ended with rain but for the most part was sunny, dry but windy. Most of the neighborhoods have their infrastructure pretty sorted and kitchen serving food. The media 'village' now has it's full complement of structures and although some are literally held up with bits of string, it's looking good despite being two days behind schedule. Everything is running behind thanks to continuing vindictive obstruction by the police.[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Little Peace Boat on the way to The Climate Camp
Nearing the end of an epic voyage, a veteran peace campaigner is about to sail down the Medway and join the Climate Camp protesters, before sailing on to Westminster for the anniversary of Hiroshima[Full Story ]
Link to local media coverage about the climate camp[Full Story ]
What not to bring to climate camp.
The filth are living up to their various names by being total dicks as usual and confiscating (stealing is probably more a accurate term) various items from people attending camp. You might of heard about the raid on the camp yesterday where police took away items such as board games and crayons, along with attempting to deprive the camp of essential materials such as plumbing and construction timber. However, even before the raid the filth were stealing stuff from those arriving.[Full Story | 6 comments ]
Animal Rights at Climate Camp - Final Call
All preparations are now in place for the Animal Rights presence at this year's Climate Camp, which starts this Sunday 3rd for eight days at Kingsnorth, Kent. It is near Rochester so within easy reach of London.Climate Change is a massive Animal Rights issue. We could achieve full legal recognition of the equality of all animal lives, human and non human, and find this made irrelevant by the potentially catastrophic consequences of human induced climate change.
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Angry Penguins & Climate Refugees to Visit Climate Criminals
A large group of displaced penguins, a homeless polar bear, and several of human climate refugees will cross London Bridge to enter the City of London.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Little Peace Boat on the way to Climate Camp, arrives in Brighton Marina
Update on veteran peace campaigner,Peter Le Mare, in his Little Peace Boat,
"Be Disarming"
...on the way to The Climate Camp and then to Westminster, London for this 50th anniversary year of CND peace symbol on Hiroshima Day, August 6, draw attention to the linked problems of Catastrophic Climate Change and World Peace.
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Student Climate Project June gathering
The Gathering is taking place at Sussex University, 5th June, from 2pm till 7pm.[Full Story ]
Invitation For Workshop Offers At the Camp For Climate Action 2008
The Camp for Climate Action is back. And we are planning a jam packedprogramme of workshops. If this new movement for climate action has a
chance of winning, we are going to need knowledge, skills and the space to
forge a future where people and the environment come before profit.
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Brighton Biofools Day Protest
A group of biofuel activists made a colourful banner and flyer tour of Brighton city centre and Sussex University on Tuesday raising awareness around a new law which came into affect as of yesterday. The RTFO or “Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation” has mandated 2.5% biofuels at British fuel pumps from April 15th, and thereby hugely increased UK consumption of biofuels.[Full Story ]
Camp for Climate Action to target Kingsnorth power station
Today it was announced that E.ON's Kingsnorth power station in Kent will be the site of this summer’s Camp for Climate Action, running from 4 th to 11th of August 2008.[Full Story ]