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Climate Change Denier James G. "Jim" Lakely Arrested in Paris

Pierre L'Enfant | 17.12.2015 11:47 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | World

Failed Opinion Journalist Lakely Now Flak for Koch-Funded Operation

French federal police have arrested James G. "Jim" Lakely, spokesman for the climate denier group, The Heartland Institute in Paris on charges related to drug dealing and racketeering back in the U.S., and conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism while on an unauthorized business trip to Paris, See,

UK-based climate denier Lord Bastley fled from police and escaped arrest in Paris.

Lakely was taken into custody this evening in Paris as a climate terrorist for his actions to disrupt the U.N. climate change conference, or COP 21. A spokesman for the French president compared Lakely to the "assassin who started World War I by killing the Archduke Ferdinand." The president's spokesman noted that the Heartland was funded by illegal drug money from the sale of methamphetamines and crack to underage Catholic school children in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. "These vermin run cover for polluters of the environment while polluting the youth of America with dangerous drugs," said the president's spokesman. "They are villians of the worst sort."

Police in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and suburban Washington D.C. did not return calls seeking comment on Lakely's allged criminal past. Nor did Lakely personally return e-mail messages sent by a journalist to his account, at The e-mail generated an automated response saying, "We will not be intimidated. Sic Semper Tyrranus!" Sic Semper Tyrannus was the Latin phrase used by John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, as he fled the Ford Theater in Washington D.C. in 1865.

For more information, go to

Pierre L'Enfant


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Not true, please hide

18.12.2015 12:23

A quick Google check shows that Jim Lakely has not been arrested in Paris so please hide this post.

Fact checker

Jim Lakely Arrest

01.02.2016 16:45

It is indeed true that Mr. Lakely was arrested. He is posing as "fact checker" to cover this up online. Sleazebag. Scumball.

fact checker's little sister