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Can the TUC march and rally today deliver the Movement thats been overdue?

Slummed | 18.10.2014 11:09 | Indymedia | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | London | World

Poverty Made in England to mark today's march and rally against low pay
The slogan should be No Pay and Low Pay-
Will the TUC listen to the people who are not in chains of trade union bureaucracies?

Poverty Made in England to mark today's march and rally against low pay
18 October 2014

The slogan should be No Pay and Low Pay-
Will the TUC listen to the people who are not in chains of trade union bureaucracies?
Apart from the spiels, what else are the TUC leaders going to offer?



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What a surprise! The TUC march and rally didn't get Cameron worried at all

21.10.2014 14:34

What a surprise! The TUC march and rally didn't get Cameron worried at all
