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Trident Ploughshares Website down as faslane actions start

Info | 05.08.2002 10:24 | Peace not War

On the day that the Trident Ploughshares annual two week International disarmament camp at the nuclear bases on the Clyde begins (today Monday 5th August), their website is down. (and currently unavailable.

The blockade of Faslane submarine base was due to start at 7am this morning.

Trident Ploughshares activists who have pledged to openly, accountably and nonviolently carry out peoples disarmament actions at nuclear weapons bases in the UK will today block the enterances to the naval bases in an attempt to stop the functioning of the war machine that is plotting mass murder, possibly in iraq.

The International Disarmament Camp will run from 5 - 19 August 2002.



”Don’t Nuke Iraq” Message at Hiroshoma Day Faslane Die-in
by voices in the wilderness

Two of Britain's largest non violent direct action groups Trident Ploughshares and Voices in the Wilderness UKwill join forces on Hiroshima day to send a clear "Don't fire Trident at Iraq" message to Geoff Hoon, Britain's Defence Secretary. Gabriel Carlyle, of Voices in the Wilderness will be among the hundreds expected to "die" in a symbolic "Die In" at the gates of Faslane Naval Base in Scotland (where Britain’s Trident subs are based) at 8 am Tuesday 6th August.


by Trident Ploughshares

Renowned Danish Peace Activist, Ulla Roder who has been involved in acts of peaceful protest and people's disarmament with Trident Ploughshares was jailed yesterday at Argyll and Bute district court in Helensburgh.

Ulla Roder who famously was aquitted at Greenock after the disarmament of a Trident related floating laboratory and who swam out to a Trident Submarine last april and painted, "USELESS" on the side of it, was remanded to Cornton Vale Prison in Stirling after she was involved in Trident Ploughshares actions includng fence cuts and swimming actions.

Already this week, Joss Garman from Mid Wales joined Karen Fallon and Stan Robinson from Faslane Peace Camp in cutting two sections of the fence at RNAD Coulport where the UK government stores it's nuclear warheads.



Indymedia 'Block n Roll' Blockade feature:



Scottish CND

Faslane Peace Camp Website
